Neural therapy is a medical approach that diagnoses and treats local disturbances of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The autonomic nervous system is divided into somatic (voluntary) and autonomic (involuntary). The somatic nervous system controls voluntary movements such as walking, talking and movement of limbs. The autonomic nervous system, on the other hand, regulates internal body functions such as immune function, blood pressure and circulation, hormones, digestion, body temperature, heart rate, breathing, urination, sexual function, menstruation and other automatic body functions. When there is trauma of any kind, the ANS becomes injured and these internal functions do not perform at optimum levels and ultimately leads to dysfunctional signaling resulting in disease or chronic pain.
The autonomic regulation of every cell, cellular space, and organs, hugely determines the health of an individual. The main objective of the practitioner is to identify where interference is occurring to the nervous system. This interference causes local cell instability and can be found in many different ways and then to use the various neural therapy injection techniques to help stabilize the body.
Dr. Sinha uses muscle testing to identify blocks/interferences. After the interference has been identified, procaine is injected into the space subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The anesthetic has been shown to help restore electrical potential, help normalize physiology of surrounding tissues and help the nervous system rebalance signaling to the area. This is especially the case when the focus is so old and degenerated that it has devolved into what has been referred to as an island of chronic unconscious distress. For example, a woman’s complete unawareness of the stress emanating from her fifteen-year-old hysterectomy scar and a man’s unconscious irritation from his fifty-year-old hernia scar are examples of when individuals express pain but are unaware of any problem with the scar at the peripheral nervous system level or disturbing memory pattern of the scar causing an interference field in their brain.